Privacy Policy

Release time: 2023-12-4

I. Privacy Policy
This website (hereinafter referred to as “we”) attaches great importance to the privacy of users and takes a series of measures to protect the personal information of users. This privacy policy aims to explain to users how we collect, use, store, share and protect the personal information of users, as well as the relevant rights of users.
II. Collection and Use of Personal Information
We may collect and use personal information of users, including but not limited to name, email address, phone number, address, etc. This information may be provided by users or automatically collected through users’ devices. We collect and use this information to provide better services, including but not limited to personalized recommendation, customer service, account management, marketing and advertising.
III. Information Sharing and Disclosure
We may share user personal information with third parties, including but not limited to partners, service providers, and third-party advertisers. In addition, we may disclose user personal information to government agencies or legal proceedings where required by law.
IV. Information Security
We take a series of measures to protect the security of users’ personal information, including but not limited to using encryption technology, restricting access rights, and regularly updating security measures. Despite these measures, we cannot guarantee the absolute security of information. Therefore, users should take care of their personal information themselves and regularly update passwords and other security measures.
V. User Rights
Users have the right to request that we delete their personal information and can obtain more information by contacting us. In addition, users have the right to understand how we use their personal information and can review and modify it through this website.
VI. Changes to Privacy Policy
This privacy policy may be revised at any time. Users should regularly review this privacy policy to stay informed of our latest policies. If you have any questions or need assistance, please feel free to contact us.